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株式会社カーディナル 代表取締役社長 三好 征吾

Innovating, with respect for tradition

As Japan matures, society is shifting in direction and people are seeking value more than ever. More and more people consider quality food to be one of the most essential aspects of their lives. In the past, food was merely something we needed for survival, but now it is considered a means of staying healthy and even more, a way of communicating and enjoying time spent with others.

Miyoshi Corporation Group is committed to providing an environment where people of all generations and all walks of life can get together to enjoy dining and spending quality time together. Since first opening a German-style beer restaurant in 1962, the group has taken the lead in introducing authentic food from all over the world, particularly Europe and Asia.

Now, with its 50th anniversary just around the corner, the group is heading into the next stage of its development. Based on the experience and skills obtained in the half century since its establishment, the group is making dynamic strides into new business areas. The group will continue its effort to create innovative, new cuisine, while respecting the authenticity of the food and culture that each country has nurtured and development.

Just as with any growing business, Miyoshi Corporation Group has two important missions: 1) to cherish its long built customer trust and goodwill, and 2) to expand its current business into new areas and by maintaining a balance between the two aspects. The group will further strengthen its business base into new fields, while improving and maintaining three important factors for success in the restaurant business: fresh ingredients, superb cooking technique, and excellent service.

Cardinal Co., Ltd. President Miyoshi Seigo
